Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Final Note

In the last few months  I've thought that I should wrap up the blog with a final message.  Unfortunately, I have never been able to get that done.  These days since August 19th have been crazy ones.  No one can prepare for these types of emergencies. You can hope that a general preparation of house, family and funds will make the impact less harsh, but no one can truly be prepared for this kind of event.  I've found that a lot of my energy has been turned inward toward my family at this time.  For my friends and family, I hope you can understand. 
Chris' recovery continues with speech therapy (to help his cognitive function and endurance) twice a week.  He was released from both physical and occupational therapy as soon as he was evaluated outside the hospital.  He works on puzzles - suduko, word search, picture searches and even video games to improve his cognitive function.  He's borrowed Courtney's Nintendo DS to play the game "Brain Age" which will help him improve. 
He has not returned to work, nor has he gotten his Driver's License back.  These are both things that we are praying about, and they are both things that Chris looks forward to being able to do again.  I am so thankful to all of the companies with whom he works.  Their support and understanding are something I am surprised to see in this day and age, and I have prayed many times that God will bless their business.  Our family is truly thankful for these shining examples of business. 
This experience has taught me a lot.  Watching how different people respond to a crisis has taught me about how I want to respond in the future.  I want to thank my family, friends and Chris' family, friends and work associates for your support during this trying time.  Thank you can never be enough, but I hope you know how you've touched our lives forever. 
Thanks to everyone who has read this blog.  It truly made it easier for me to function by having a place to disseminate information. 
Finally, although it is not in favor these days, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas.  Jesus has made such a difference in our family, I am thrilled to celebrate his birth. 

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