Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Day I've Been Waiting For

The day I've been waiting for is here.  The doctor called this afternoon and let me know that there is no tumor in Chris' head, it seems to be blood and inflammation.  Because Chris  could not say if he hit his head or not, they are still a bit puzzled.  They are proceeding as if  this is a consequence of the fall.  He was also moved from ICU to a private room. 
I am just so relieved!  Honestly, yesterday was a pretty low day for me.  Chris wasn't looking very well.  Tonight when I went he seemed a lot more like himself, he just looks tired.  I know that this is not the end.  They have to get him up and moving and make sure things are good. 
I believe in the power of prayer.  I thank God for this miracle.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone here at Worksmart Systems is happy to hear the turn out of his surgery. Please give him our best and tell him we are all asking for him and a speedy healthy recovery
