Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday update

Today I went to the hospital around mid-morning. He was alert, and doing well. He still has a breathing tube, and is sedated. But by afternoon, he could communicate that he did not like the tube and wanted it out. They are going to try to remove it tomorrow. The neurologist on rounds today confirmed that the biopsy went well, and we're just waiting now.
I learned a lesson today about expectations. They can cause a lot of hurt and pain. The nurses idea of Chris doing well and my idea were two totally different ideas. At one point I thought, how can she even say that. Then I realized she's seen it all as an ICU nurse, and I should take her at her word that he is doing well.
I can't find the words to tell all of you how much I appreciate you. The kind emails and offers of support have humbled me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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