Thursday, September 10, 2009

The best day!

Today was the best day because Chris came home from the hospital.  I picked him up this morning, and he had a great day.  He's a little tired, and who wouldn't be after all he's been through.  Nicholas was so excited to see him, well, we all were excited. 
In honor of his homecoming and in celebration of Tyler heading off to college, I cooked a homemade Mexican dinner.  Well, our version anyway.  Homemade tortillas, carne asada, beans, rice, pico de gallo, and guacamole.  It was a feast.  We love cooking this meal. 
So, tomorrow they head out for Cal Poly, and Chris and I will enjoy a RARE weekend home alone.  It will be nice for him to settle in with the house empty and then have Nicholas and Courtney  back on Sunday. 
I am always overwhelmed with gratitude when I think of those of you who read this.  You've sent cards, emails, phone messages and just personal messages of support and they truly mean so much to us.  Don't underestimate what those small gestures mean to us.  On the days when I'm just too tired, or everything seems to be going wrong, it's your prayers and support that give me strength and courage to keep going.  Thank you to all of you!

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