Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tomorrow- the day I've been waiting for

When I walked into Chris' room today, I saw two small plates with foil covering them.  Inside were cookies.  I thought someone must have stopped by and left some treats.  A moment later, Chris returned to his room and said, "Did you see the cookies I made?"  I was quite surprised that the plates of cookies were made by Chris in his occupational therapy.  They were tasty too!  Now I know I can get out of baking cookies because Chris can do it. 
They really packed in the therapy today, I guess they wanted to get their last licks in before he comes home. 
Yipee!!  Chris will be coming home tomorrow.  I'll hopefully have him home by lunchtime.  I know he is a little nervous and a lot excited and relieved to be home.  Once we get Tyler off to school, we will focus on the rest of Chris' recovery. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! Cookies?!? Sounds awesome! So glad that Chris gets to come home - we'll be keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.
