Sunday, September 6, 2009

Update 9/06

We had a great weekend visiting Chris.  I know he loves visits from me, but seeing the kids made his spirits soar.  He continues to look better and better.  Saturday he took a walk outside the hospital with the PT.  He hasn't been outside much in the last two and a half weeks.  His appetite is picking up, and he has started begging for "normal" food.  The kids laughed because he was in awe of a homemade chili dog we brought him on Saturday.  I've seen his meals, and I'm sure the hospital tries, but they just aren't appetizing. 
Also, on Sunday he got his first shower.  That made him feel 100% better.  Today he started talking about trying to get the doctor to let him out earlier than Thursday.  I'm not sure what their criteria is for release, but they will review his case on Tuesday and make a decision then.  We are praying that he is well enough to come home as soon as possible.  If that is before Thursday, praise God! 
I've been working off and on during the weekend to get the house ready for Chris' homecoming.  I've reorganized and decluttered his office, and have decluttered throughout the house.  I'm hoping that a decluttered house/office will help him relax and rest and heal more quickly. 

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