Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Update 9/02

I didn't post anything last night because I knew I'd have a meeting today which would give me lots of information.  During Chris' assessments on Monday, it became apparent to them through a process of elimination that the event behind Chris' brain injury was a stroke.  It's a long explanation, but suffice it to say, the doctors explained it to my satisfaction. 
They have set Chris' release date for Sept. 10.  This will give him a day at home before Tyler leaves for college.  Unfortunately, it is not a trip that Chris can make.  It will be too much stimulation for his brain.  So, my mom will take Tyler along with Courtney and Nicholas down to San Luis Obispo for the weekend and they will move Tyler into the dorms.  Pray for all of us as this was not even close to what we wanted  for this occasion. 
Once home, Chris will still receive therapy, and they are asking us to limit his stimulation.  So, it may be a few weeks before he is able to have visitors.  Right now his endurance is still not up to where he used to be, so he's having to rest frequently. 
Although nothing of this situation is anything that we are happy with, we can't help but see how much worse it could have been.  I am so thankful to God that He kept Chris and Ken safe that day as Chris continued on his calls and even took Ken to the airport.  I am so thankful that his symptoms aren't worse.  This will be a process, and all of you who have offered help will probably be getting a call after Chris comes home.  Thank you to all of you who continue to send well wishes and prayers.  I pass each of them along to Chris.  We are truly blessed!

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