Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Update 9/08

Today started out extremely well for Chris.  His nurse removed the staples he had from the surgery.  I must say that the incision is healing well and his hair is growing back nicely.  The fun continued as the occupatonal therapist took Chris (via taxi) to a nearby Safeway.  He was given a list of items to shop for, and filled his basket.  It was a nice diversion for him.  There has also been lots of talk of Thursday, which is discharge day.  It seems like I will need to keep track of his blood pressure for a few weeks, as his has been fluctuating.
Although it is obvious that Chris has lost weight, he looks good, feels good and seems to be doing well with the therapy.  We will continue therapy on an outpatient basis after he returns home.  His prognosis is great, it will just take time. 
Meanwhile, Tyler's departure date is speedily approaching.  He has begun couting down the lasts.  Tonight is his last night of working in Brentwood.  He has a job waiting for him in San Luis Obispo, but won't start for a couple of weeks.  Chris has resigned himself to the fact that he can't take Tyler down there himself, and has now focused on the fact that we get the weekend alone.  I'm glad he's able to see the bright side, no matter how painful it is. 
Please continue to keep us in your prayers.  Although Chris looks well, and on the surface seems well, there are still some underlying issues that only time can heal. 
As usual, I continue to be awed by the generosity of our friends.  Thank you to all of you! 

1 comment:

  1. Sharon - Thanks for continuing to update! Know that we love you all and you are all in our thoughts and prayers for Chris' recovery. Hugs to all!

    Sandy (and Kari, Miles and Dax!)
