Friday, September 4, 2009

Update 9/04

Today was good.  I met with both the occupational and physical therapists to discuss what I can do at home to help support Chris.  For all of you who know Chris well, you will know that the biggest thing I can do is get him to slow down.  One of the things I love most about my husband is his drive, but at this time it can get him into trouble.  He has always been someone who takes great pride in attention to detail, and a strong work ethic.  For the next little while he will be learning how to pace himself and pay attention to his health.  Chris had so many years free from symptoms of his heart condition that I think we both got complacent.  This situation has taught us many lessons, including how fragile life is a any paricular moment.  It will serve as a wake-up call to us. 
It seems like he is on track to come home next Thursday.  I do have some home projects to work on while we wait for that day.  I know he is anxious to come home.  Please be aware that today the therapists reiterated that Chris needs plenty of rest, and he should not be overstimulated especially right when he gets home.  They have even asked me not to take him to church for a while so that he doesn't get overwhelmed.  So, please understand if we don't have visitors for a while.  We love our friends and family dearly and you have been so great to us.  We will love to visit with you when Chris gets his bearings.  Thank you for undersanding. 
p.s. Some of you have asked about sending things.  If you send cards to the house I will take them to him. 
1105 Europena Dr
Brentwood, CA 94513

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