Monday, September 14, 2009

Update 9/14

First, let me wish both my brother Matt, and my sister-in-law Bertha a Happy Birthday!  We've totally missed it this year with everything going on with us.  I hope you both know we love you and wish for you a blessed next year!
Today we had two appointments and I tried to schedule therapy for Chris.  It was not the most successful day.  It seems that the therapy centers are understaffed, and it is difficult to schedule his appointments.  We are still working out the details and it may be a few weeks before he can be seen. 
Chris is doing well, there aren't a lot of physical signs of the trauma his body has been through.  Tiredness seems to be the biggest one.  He tires more easily than before and is resting a lot.  It's a two-edged sword that he doesn't "look unwell".  The casual observer may not understand why he's resting more, or doesn't answer quite as quickly.  Believe me, I will take this "problem" over what could have been.  But, I know sometimes it is hard for Chris to slow down and take it easy because he "seems so normal". 
We've heard from Tyler a couple of times, and while I can tell he's nervous, he seems to be having a great time.  They have a "week of welcome" featuring lots of activities and Tyler commented that it seemed like camp.  I'm sure that will fade away next week when classes start. 

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