Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How we ended up with a Wii

I enjoy video games with the best of them.  My kids think it is hysterical that I like the games as much as they do.  We play Rock Band regularly as a family and my daughter and I love to karaoke.  We have already have a Playstation, and we were quite content with that.  A lot of our friends have the Wii, but we couldn't see starting over with a new gaming system. 
However, last week, Chris informed me that part of his therapy was playing the games on the Wii and the Wii Fit  He said it helped a lot with his balance and hand/eye coordination.  He insisted that we get it.  So, despite all my past reservations, I bought a Wii.  When I went to Walmart to get it, I told the cashier about the hospital using it.  She replied that her father has used it for rehab at the VA hospital as well.  So at least I knew Chris wasn't pulling one over on me. 
He is looking forward to continuing his rehab on the Wii at home, and the kids are sure glad that santa came in September this year. 

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